
Twitter Sentiment Analysis

Sep. 2017 - Jan. 2018

This was the final project of the course Introductionn to Information Retrieval and Text Mining. For this project, our goal is to predict the sentiment of Tweets, and maximize the accuracy to determine the correct sentiment. [Read More]

Stock Trend Prediction

Feb. 2017 - Jun. 2017

This was the midterm project of the course Big Data and Business Analytics. For this project, our goal is to predict future stock trend (up, down or neutral) based on news on companies. It would be really helpful while making decisions of investing. [Read More]

Class Representative & Graduate Representative

Sep. 2014 - Jun. 2018

I was the class representative of NTUIM, class of 2014-2018. (NTUIM devotes to National Taiwan University, Department of Information Management) As a class representative, here are some of my responsibilities: Deal with companies: Including textbook companies, sponsoring, presentations… Cooperate with professors and faculties: Check class status in course, feedback-ing for... [Read More]