My name is Stanley Lin (Shuan-Yih Lin).
I am looking for Softwaree Enginner Summer Intern in Summer, 2020.
It would be my pleasure to work for you and accumulate my practical experiences :)
Graduate Study
Currently, I am attending at Cornell Tech’s Technion Cornell Dual Degree Program.
I am obtaining dual degrees after I graduate at May,2021:
- Cornell University: Master of Information Systems
- Technion: Master of Applied Information Science + CS
These are some courses I am taking currently:
- Applied Machine Learning
- HCI & Design
- Algorithms and Data Stuctures
Undergraduate Study
I accomplished my undergraduate study at National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
I got a Bachelor of Business Administration in Information Management.
GPA: 3.92/4.3
Although it does not sound technical or related to computer science, the curriculum of our department is rather technical. For instance, these are courses that I had taken:
- Data Structures
- Algorithms
- Discrete Mathematics
- Database Management
- System Analysis and Design
- Big Data Analysis
- Information Retrieval and Text Mining