I was the president of IMSA in my junior year in university.
( IMSA denotes to Information Management Student Association, which is the student association of department.)

As a president, I coordinated with the faculties, professors and students to hold up events.
I led over 200 members and used the limited budget of USD$ 6,500 to hold over 20 events.
As a result, I cultivated my skills of leading and team-working during this year.

Here are some events that I coordinated or cooperated with others during my term:

  • IM Uniform Day
  • IM BBQ
  • IM Food-run
  • IM Year-end Celebration
  • IM Christmas
  • IM Picnic
  • IM Alumni Presentation
  • IM Week
  • MakeNTU (Hackathon, cooperated with SA of ECE Department)
  • IM Night
  • IM Singing
  • College of Management, SA Election
  • NTU Orientation

Some picutres of events.

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